Lupus is basically an autoimmune disease. When we say autoimmune disease, it means that our immunity is attacking our own body. Normally, immunity is our resistance power. It’s a power to fight against any infections that are affecting our own ..
Walking is the mildest and best exercise. We are structured in such a way that we should be walking all the time. Walking not just helps in maintaining your weight balance but also helps in boosting up your immunity level. ..
Bathing is something which we do everyday and it kicks starts our day. Most of us make serious mistakes when it comes to bathing, although we take bath everyday. Here are some common mistakes which people usually make. ..
PCOD – Polycystic Ovarian Disorder is very common and it is very common globally, 1 out of 10 women suffer from this. Sometimes it just goes undiagnosed and unaware. Usually when a female has a problem during the menstrual cycle, ..
Nutrition During Pregnancy A healthy diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle especially if you’re pregnant or planning a pregnancy. Undoubtedly it is one of the most vital parts of this journey but less spoken about so let’s ..
The hip essentially is a ball-and-socket joints on the side of the pelvis is a cartilage line socket that sits facing outwards and a top of the femur the thigh bone there is a ball again coated with cartilage and ..
Osteoarthritis is a very common condition patients present with. That’s when the cushion within the hip and knee gradually wears out over time and patients can experience a gradual onset of symptoms. They can get stiffness, they can get reduced ..
Surgery for Shoulder Rotator Cuff Tear When to get the surgery done for shoulder rotator cuff tear? Sometimes you feel that your arm is not lifting up and you worry if you have got paralysis the simplest thing is after the ..
Pigmentation: Pigmentation or hyperpigmentation is a term that we use to describe dark spots or patches or even general darkening of the skin in the upper layers of the skin. We have certain cells which are pigment cells and are ..
Knee problems are very common and they can affect people throughout their lives from childhood or teenage years right through to their later years. Causes of knee problems are extremely varied and can be related to sports injuries, such as ..