Surgery for Shoulder Rotator Cuff Tear When to get the surgery done for shoulder rotator cuff tear? Sometimes you feel that your arm is not lifting up and you worry if you have got paralysis the simplest thing is after the ..
Knee problems are very common and they can affect people throughout their lives from childhood or teenage years right through to their later years. Causes of knee problems are extremely varied and can be related to sports injuries, such as ..
A ligament is basically a restraint between two bones. Ligament limits certain types of movements and it provides stability to any joints. Our knee joint is one of the most important joints in the body and the most commonly injured ..
Hip Replacement Surgery in Hyderabad What is hip replacement surgery? Procedure to replace damaged hip joint with an artificial joint. Types of Hip Replacement: Total hip replacement – The damaged hip joint is completely replaced with an artificial joint. Partial ..
Medical and Physiotherapy Treatment for Frozen Shoulder A lot of people have heard about this condition it is a very painful condition of the shoulder what this does is not only pain it also restricts the movements in all directions ..
It’s important to know whether there’s any swelling of the knee joint if there’s any giving way of the knee joint, whether there’s any associated pain that’s going further down the leg, or if the pain is actually coming from ..
Arthroscopic Surgery: Indications, Benefits, and Recovery What is Arthroscopic Surgery? Arthroscopic surgery or what we commonly call keyhole surgery or minimally invasive surgery is a type of orthopedic surgery of specific joints like the shoulder knee hip etc. Here at ..
Total Arthroplasty Total arthroplasty is basically a surgery at our orthopedic hospitals in Hyderabad performed for severe arthritis of the knee joint when there is complete damage to the card complete loss of cartilage resulting in severe pain and difficulty ..
The effect of intra-articular injections for the joint pain The intra-articular injections for the joint pain are injections into the joint that are given at orthopedic hospitals, How long do they last? How effective they are? broadly speaking there are two ..
The role of medication in arthritis The role of medication and arthritis is twofold. One is to prevent the progression of the disease the other one is to treat the symptoms of the disease which are pain, stiffness, and swelling ..